
Jupyterlab icon
Jupyterlab icon

jupyterlab icon

You can use any of JupyterLab icons in your own code via an import statement.

jupyterlab icon

(a: ILauncher.IItemOptions, b: ILauncher.IItemOptions) => ) Use drag and drop or click the snippets insert icon to paste the snippet content in the desired destination, such as cell in a notebook or an open editor. LabIcon is the icon class used by JupyterLab, and is part of the new icon. If you want to launch JupyterLab in a different browser, you can either change your default browser or to copy-past the Notebook address in your desired browser.

jupyterlab icon

Here's where the sorting happens, in the launcher extension's index.tsx file you already found: // Within each category sort by rank To launch JupyterLab open the terminal, navigate to your working directory, and run: jupyter lab JupyterLab will launch a session in your default browser. The order of icons is controlled first by a rank, then localeCompare() on a label.


It's the "default" (or "native") kernel first, followed by others sorted according to their display_name.Īnyone know how to change the sort order of the icons on the Launcher?Īs far as I can see, the only way to control the order of the kernels is to specify display_names for kernels such that their order according to String.localeCompare() matches what you want (combined with excluding the "default"/"native" kernel if it's not the one you want to see first). The sort order looks kinda arbitrary, but maybe I'm not seeing the pattern that it's using. I think you are asking specifically about the order of notebook kernels in the launcher.

Jupyterlab icon